Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region



Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the

"Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasian region. Technical Sciences"  journal

1. An article intended for a journal must be signed by the authors and have:

    - a cover or recommendation letter from the institution where the work was performed;

    - expert opinion on the possibility of publication.

2. The article must contain:

– information about the copyright holder for affixing the copyright protection sign;

- information about the authors in Russian and English (first name, last name, place of employment, position, academic degree, title, home, office and e-mail addresses, phone numbers (if there are several authors, indicate with whom to correspond);

-  abstract in Russian and English (1000-1200 characters);

- the article title and the authors' names in English;

 - names of tables, figures and explanatory data (figure text) in Russian and English

- UDC index;

- key words in Russian and in English (6-8);

 - bibliographic list in Russian and English (at least 10 sources).

3. The articles must be at least 8 and no more than 15 typed pages, including tables, references (no more than 15 sources) and images (up to 5).

4. The article must be printedaccording to the typing rules.

The authors must submit two printed copies of theirmanuscript and its identical electronic version. One disk may contain only one article (in caseif there are two or more articles). Paragraph 2 additions are a part of the article and should be submitted in the electronic form.

The article must be done in the MicroSoft Office 97, 98, 2003 Word 7.0 format; 1.5 line spacing; font size 14 pt, Times New Roman; all margins - 2.5 cm.The use of any other fonts is only possible as an exception, if they are included in the code file.

Do not use signs of forceline-break and extra spaces. Vector quantities are shown in bold type.

Use the Equation 3.0 editor or MathType for equations. The equation  could only take a half -line. Large equations  must be split into multiple lines; each new line is a new object. Do not scale equations. For equations use the following sizes: text - 11 pt; large scale index - 8 pt; small scale index - 6 pt; large scale symbol - 12 pt; small scale symbol - 10 pt.  Equations must contain no punctuation marks or numbering.

The article must contain only the most essential equations; drop the intermediate calculations. Number only referred equations. Equations must be sequentially numbered.

Each table must be titled; only standard abbreviations are allowed.

One table should take a half–line and do not exceed one page. The number of tables must not exceed the number of pages.

Images, graphs and diagrams are located in the folder «Images». Images and diagrams should be made in the pcx format, size 800x600 (black and white). Each caption should be in a separate text file with the location specified. Schedules have to be issued in the MicroSoft 98 Office Word 2000 format, and only in a separate file (one graph – one sheet, or a new file).

5. Illustrative material should be attached separately in duplicate. Imagesand graphs must be clear, on a white paper and be suitable for the direct playback. The figures size should be no more than 15-17 cm wide. Indicate the information about the authors, the title of the article and the figure number on the back side and on the margins mark the image location and give it a link in the text. Photos should be sent in two original copies in contrasting black and white colors.

Units of measurement should be given in accordance with the International System (SI).

6. References should be given in order of appearing them in the article. The text must contain bracketed references only of published materials. Links to foreign references should be given in the original language and accompanied with Russian translation if there is any, followed by the indication on its translation.

It is recommended to verify articles via Antiplagiat program on

References are made according to GOST (all-Union State Standard) 7.0.5-2008.

Candidates' publications are free of charge.



For books: Angel D. Consumer Behavior. M., 1972.272 p.

For journals: Petrov N. N. Principles of educational programs and students personal development construction // Questions of psychology. 1999.

№ 3. Pp. 39.

For theses: Dzyakovich E. V. Stylistic aspects of modern punctuation: Dissertation Author ... Cand. of Philology. M., 1984.

For deposit manuscripts: Kondrash A. N. Books Propaganda. M., 1984. 21. Dep. SRC «Informpechat» 25.07.84. FN 176.

For archival materials description: Goushchin B.P. Journal key // NRLI. F. 209. Op. 1. D. 460. L. 9.

For conference’s materials: Shishkov Y. Russia and the world market: the structural aspect // Social priorities and mechanisms of change in Russia: International. conf. materials, Moscow, 12-13 May 1998, Moscow, 1993. Pp. 19-25.

For patents: Pat.460157 U.S. ICI A 03 B 27/74. Microchips.

For author’s certificates: A.s. 1254421 USSR. 1989. MCI U 03915/00. Microfilmed electrophotographic apparatus.

For electronic resources: Dirina A.I. Russian servicemen right to the freedom of association // Military Law: network journal. 2007. URL:  (access date: 19.09.2007).

Failure to comply with the manuscript registration and computer typesetting delays its publication.