Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





L.V. Larina, O.B. Tihonova, D.V. Ruslyakof , A.U. Tihonov, A.A. Toropov

Larina Ludmila Vasilyevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Tihonova Olga Borisovna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Ruslyakof Dmitriy Victorovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Tihonov Alexandr Uryevich – student, Southern Federal University, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail: tau

Toropov Alexandr Alexandrovich – student, Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russia.



The article is devoted to quantify energy efficiency and water saving dishwashers. In the article the questions of assessment of energy efficiency and water efficiency of dishwashers with a continuous action by aeration of the cleaning fluid when the air pump is supposed to be an air compressor (not included with machine) to water the trunk of the car. In this regard, the volume received into the sleeves of the impeller of washing liquid can be reduced. In the article the scheme of the aeration of the working fluid, which allows to reduce the consumption of water supplied to the working chamber of the machine. The inlet water pressure in a hydrant system can be reduced, which will make it possible to transfer the mode of operation of the hydraulic pump in a more economical and appropriate to reduce water and energy consumption. The paper takes into account the power consumption of the compressor, as well as additional costs to purchase it. The proposed scheme of aeration of the working fluid allows to reduce the consumption of water supplied to the working chamber of the machine, at 36 %, while the inlet water pressure in a hydrant system may be reduced to 5 ATM. to 3.2 ATM. (36 %). Effektivnaya the output power of the pump with the aeration system will be reduced to 1,56 % 2,12 kWh. Power water heaters, volume c with aeration system will be of 0,64 V is reduced by 36 % and up to 15,4 kW. The total capacity will be drain rate is 17,52 kW.


Keywords: dishwasher; energy efficiency; water saving; aeration; diameter of a nozzle; stream; pressure; speed.


Full text: [in]



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