Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





Yu.S. Levkin

Levkin Yurij Stepanovich – competitor head of the Laboratory, department «Industrial Elektronik», Togliatti State University. Tolyatti, Russia. Ph. (8482) 36-19-88, (8482) 53-95-65. E-mail:



As a result of experimental work changes of hydrodynamic processes in disperse structure were received. Classical two-phase structure, having got to a field of cross vibration of all surface of an elastic pipe, is in an initial state, to a certain threshold of vibration acceleration. By a graphic way the limit of the section of two structures which was defined by changes of the directions of curves is shown. Two schedules and three monograms characterizing presentation of hydrodynamic dependences on influence on them of vibration influences are given. In work three frequency characteristics on the example of which, the threshold of transition disperse in plyonochno - disperse structure of a two-phase stream is shown are considered. Each frequency has a photographic illustration, the made experiment. The graphic explanation of this transition is submitted.


Keywords: two-phase flow; the dispersed structure of dispersion-film mode; the lateral vibration frequency of vibration; the vibration acceleration.


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