Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





M.V. Puchkin, G.A. Ougolnitsky, A.B. Usov

Puchkin Maxim Valtntinovich – Senior Lector, department «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science», Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Е-mail:

Ougolnitsky Guennady Anatolevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of department «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science», Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Е-mail:

Usov Anatoly Borisovich – Professor, department «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science», Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Е-mail:



Solution of the problems of water supply considering water quality which are very actual for the Rostov region requires improving of the management of water resource use. The key tool in this problem is an information-analytical management system of quality and quantity of water resources in the Rostov region. The specific feature of the proposed IAMS consists in the implementation of the concept of sustainable management. To this end, control mechanisms of water resource use are specified, and original models of sustainable management of the water resource system are developed.


Keywords: information-analytical system; sustainable management; water resources.


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