Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





A.I. Troitsky, S.S. Kostinsky, V.I. Vlasenko, T.Z. Khimishev

Troitsky Anatoly Ivanovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, department «Electro Supply and the Electric Drive», Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia. Ph. (8635) 25-56-50.

Kostinsky Sergey Sergeevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Electro Supply and the Electric Drive», Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia. Ph. (8635) 25-56-50. E-mail:

Vlasenko Vyacheslav Ivanovich – director of the municipal unitary enterprise «Maikop city electric networks» of municipal union «City of Maikop», Maikop. Ph. (8772) 23-22-27.

Khimishev Timur Zaurovich – post-graduate student, department «Electro supply and the Electric Drive», Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia.



The provisions. In article the review about modernization street light is resulted. Advantages and lacks of light-emitting diode lighting are specified. The special attention is given influence of the light-emitting diode lighting established at them modernization, on losses in transformers of distributive networks. The functional dependences are resulted, allowing to calculate size of additional losses of active power in transformers of distributive networks from asymmetrical and not sinusoidal loading. As initial data for calculation of losses about resistance of loading data are necessary for each phase. Active and inductive resistance of windings the higher voltage and the lowest voltage, and also a magnetizing circuit of the transformer are considered known for the transformer of the set power. Use of resistance as initial data for calculation is caused by that there is no necessity for use of corners of shift between a current and voltage in each of the connected three-phase circuit. The measured values of a current of n-th harmonic are necessary for calculation of losses from not sinusoidal loading as, therefore, along with quality assurance of voltage in accordance with GOST 32144-2013, there is a necessity in a complex to supervise indicators of quality of currents. For each transformer of a distributive network it is necessary count and estimate separately influence of asymmetry and not sinusoidal loadings of electro consumers, and on the basis of the spent calculations give recommendations about decrease in losses in it.


Keywords: asymmetry; indemnification of reactive power; the light-emitting diode lighting; modernization; street light; upper harmonics; transformers of distributive networks; active power losses.


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6. Kostinskii S.S. Rezul'taty statisticheskoi obrabotki poter' kholostogo khoda i nagruzochnykh poter' v raspredelitel'nykh silovykh transformatorakh, dlitel'no nakhodyashchikhsya v ekspluatatsii [Results of Statistical Processing of Losses of Idling and Loading Losses in Distributive Power Transformers, it is Long Being in Operation]. Izv. vuzov. Elektromekhanika = Russian Electromechanics, Spetsvyp., 2009, pp. 90-92. [In Russ.]

7. Troitskii A.I., Kostinskii S.S. Opredelenie poter' aktivnoi moshchnosti pri nesimmetrichnoi aktivno-induktivnoi trekhfaznoi nagruzke, podklyuchennoi k sisteme simmetrichnykh istochnikov EDS s izolirovannoi neitral'yu [Definition of Losses of Active Power at the Asymmetrical is Active-inductive Three-phase Loading Connected to System of Symmetric Sources Electromotive Power With the Isolated Neutral]. Izv. vuzov. Elektromekhanika = Russian Electromechanics, 2012, no. 2, pp. 22-25. [In Russ.]

8. Troitskii A.I., Kostinskiy S.S., Khimishev T.Z. Opredelenie dopolnitel'nykh poter' pri nesimmetrichnoi aktivno-induktivnoi trekhfaznoi nagruzke, podklyuchennoi k sisteme simmetrichnykh istochnikov EDS i soedinennoi po skheme zvezda s glukhim zazemleniem neitrali [Definition of Additional Losses at the Asymmetrical is Active-Inductive Three-phase Loading Connected to System of Symmetric Sources Electromotive Power and Connected Under the Scheme a Star With Deaf Grounding of a Neutral]. Izv. vuzov. Elektromekhanika = Russian Electromechanics, 2012, no. 4, pp. 64-67. [In Russ.]

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10. Kostinskiy S.S., Troitskiy A.I. Metod opredeleniya dopolnitel'nykh poter' aktivnoi moshchnosti v transformatorakh raspredelitel'nykh setei, obuslovlennykh nelineinymi nagruzkami [Method Definition of Stray Load Losses of Active Power in Transformers of the Branch Circuits Caused by Non-linear Loadings]. Izv. vuzov. Elektromekhanika = Russian Electromechanics, 2015, no. 3, pp. 61-67. [In Russ.]

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14. Troitskiy A.I., Kostinskiy S.S. Opredelenie parametrov silovykh transformatorov v sistemakh elektrosnabzheniya [Definition of parameters of mains transformers in electrosupply systems]. Novocherkassk, YuRGTU Publ., 2011, 52 p.

15. Troitskiy A.I., Kostinskiy S.S. Obobshchenie ponyatiya nesimmetrichnye nagruzki s tsel'yu ikh vnutrennego simmetrirovaniya po kriteriyu snizheniya poter' moshchnosti [Concept Generalisation Asymmetrical Loadings for the Purpose of Their Internal Balancing by Criterion of Decrease in Losses of Capacity]. Izv. vuzov. Elektromekhanika = Russian Electromechanics, 2013, no. 1, pp. 126-132. [In Russ.]