Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region


UNIV. NEWS. NORTH-CAUCAS. REG. TECHNICAL SCIENCES SERIES. 2016; 3: 104-110 10.17213/0321-2653-2016-3-104-110



N.I. Buravchuk, O.V. Guryanova

Buravchuk Nina Ivanovna – Candidate of Chem. Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher, head. lab. resource-saving technologies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Ph. (863) 297-52-24. E-mail:

Guryanova Olga Vladlenovna – Senior Scientific Researcher, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Ph. (863) 297-52-24.



A brief mineralogical characteristics and chemical composition of ash, burned rocks of mine waste piles, steel slag, siftings of crushing of crushed stone, used in the composition for road base. Presents the kinetics of strength development of the recommended road base compositions. The analysis of the received strength indicators of mixes is provided to various terms of curing. The explanation of distinctions in the character of a set of durability depending on activity of components of compositions is offered. From the standpoint of physic-chemical mechanics explains the formation of structures ensuring the strength of the compositions at different stages of hardening. Possibility and expedience of the use of technogenic raw material in the grounds of roads is confirmed on the experimental area of road of local value.


Keywords: ablation ashes; burned breeds of mine dumps; steelmaking slag; crushed stone crushing eliminations; activity of fine additives; durability of compositions.


Full text: [in]



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