Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





A.N. Ivanchenko, Nguyen Van Ngon

Ivanchenko Alexander Nikolaevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, department «Software Computer Engineering», Platov South-Russia State Polytechnic University (NPI). Novocherkassk, Russia. E-mail:

Nguyen Van Ngon – post-graduate student, department «Software Computer Engineering», Platov South-Russia State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia. E-mail:



Formulated the task of finding the best partition weighted directed acyclic graph by criterion of the minimum total weight of all cuts subject to the requirements of the acyclic component of the resulting graph. Introduces the concept of partitioning schemes and analyzed the necessary combinatorial relations and algorithms to organize the search for exact solutions of direct search options. For finding an approximate solution is proposed to use a modified algorithm of artificial immune system with clonal selection, coupled with the island model. Presented the results of numerical experiment for a randomly generated graph.


Keywords: directed acyclic graph (DAG); decompositions of graphs; directed cut; strongly connected components; component graph; artificial immune system (AIS); clonal selection; island model


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