Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





N.N. Yazvinskaya

Yazvinskaya Nataliya Nikolaevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Information Technology in the Service», Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Ph. (863)234-91-00. Е-mail:




Thermal decomposition in a sealed thermal chamber were subjected to cadmium and oxide-nickel electrodes of nickel-cadmium batteries НКБ-15 и НКБН-6 with different service life. It is found that the amount of hydrogen in the oxide-nickel and cadmium electrodes increases with increasing batteries life. Consequently  experimental results unequivocally prove, that hydrogen is accumulated in oxide-nickel  and cadmium electrodes in process of operation of batteries. Moreover, in the new nickel-cadmium batteries, hydrogen in electrodes is absent. It is shown that at small terms of operation of the hydrogen content in the electrodes varies greatly. This is due to the different operating conditions of different batteries. At greater terms of operation (more than five years), the hydrogen content in the electrode is approximately the same.


Keywords: battery; nickel-cadmium; hydrogen accumulation; thermal runaway


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1. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Galushkina I.A. Voz-mozhnost' teplovogo razgona v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh firmy Saft [Possibility of thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium batteries, Saft company]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2014, no. 3 (178), pp. 87 – 90. [In Russ.]

2. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. The mechanism of thermal runaway in alkaline batteries // Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015. V. 162. № 4. Pp. A749 – A753. 

3. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Popov V.P. Issledovanie vliyaniya napryazheniya zaryada na  veroyatnost' vozniknoveniya teplovogo razgona v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh [Research charge voltage influence on probability of occurrence of thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium batterie]. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya, 2014, no. 11(6), pp. 1225 – 1228. [In Russ.]

4. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Teplovoi razgon v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh s metallokeramicheskimi i pressovannymi elektrodami [Thermal runaway in nickel–cadmium accumulators with sintered and pressed electrodes]. Elektrokhimicheskaya energetika, 2012, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 42 – 45. [In Russ.]

5. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Study of Thermal Runaway Electrochemical Reactions in Alkaline Batteries // Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2015. V. 162. № 10. P. A2044 – A2050. 

6. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Issledovanie prichin teplovogo razgona v germetichnykh nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh [Investigation of the causes of thermal runaway in sealed nickel-cadmium accumulators]. Elektrokhimicheskaya energetika, 2012, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 208 – 211. [In Russ.]

7. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkina I.A. Teplovoi razgon v shchelochnykh akkumulyatorakh [Thermal runaway in alkaline batteries]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2013, no. 6 (175), pp. 62 – 65. [In Russ.]

8. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Galushkina I.A.  Thermal Runaway in Sealed Alkaline Batteries // International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 2014. V. 9. Pp. 3022 – 3028. 

9. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Galushkina I.A.  Causes analysis of thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium accumulators // Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2014. Vol. 161, № 9. Pp. A1360 – A1363.

10. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Teplovoi razgon v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh [Thermal runaway in nickel–cadmium accumulators]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2013, no. 2, pp. 75 – 78. [In Russ.]

11. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Issledovanie nakopleniya vodoroda v nikel'-zheleznykh akkumulyatorakh [Study of hydrogen storage in nickel-iron batteries]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2014, no. 6 (181), pp. 96 – 99. [In Russ.]

12. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkina I.A. Vozmozhnost' teplovogo razgona v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh bol'shoi emkosti s lamel'nymi elektrodami [Possibility of thermal runaway in nickel–cadmium batteries of high capacitance with pocket electrodes]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89 – 92. [In Russ.]

13. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkina I.A. Vozmozhnost' teplovogo razgona v tsilindricheskikh i diskovykh nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh [Possibility of thermal runaway in cylinder-type and disk-type nickel-cadmium accumulators]. Khimicheskaya promyshlennost' segodnya, 2012, no. 7, pp. 54 – 56. [In Russ.]

14. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Ni-Cd batteries as hydrogen storage units of high-capacity // ECS Electrochemistry Letters. 2013. V. 2. № 1. Pp. A1 – A2.

15. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Galushkina I.A, Oxide-nickel electrodes as hydrogen storage units of high-capacity // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014. V. 39. № 33. Pp. 18962 – 18965.