Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





S.F. Tyurin, A.S. Prokhorov

Tyurin Sergey Feofentovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, department «Automation and Telemechanics», Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia. Е-mail:

Prokhorov Andrey Sergeevich – post-graduate student, department «Automation and Telemechanics», Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia. Е-mail:



We consider the logical elements for high-reliability, radiation-resistant FPGA type FPGA. Proposed elements have the ability to maintain the original function in case of failure of two or three transistors in each transistor structure. We analyze the complexity of the proposed elements with the elements, retorts failure of one transistor in each transistor structure. A comparison on the probability of failure-free operation with tinted structures LE FPGA FPGA.


Keywords: FPGA; logic functions; logic element; Fault-tolerant Look Up Table FPGA - FTLUT; radiation resistance; transistor; redundancy; reliabilities; triple redundancy; quadrupling.


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