Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





V.D. Vereskun, E.G. Shepilova

Vereskun Vladimir Dmitrievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences,   professor, rector, department «Theoretical Mechanics», Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail:

Shepilova Elena Grigorievna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, vice-rector for educational work and social matters, department «Railway Automatics and Telemechanics», Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: she_rgups@



The article deals with formation of strategy of university processes management. This strategy is focused on consideration of criteria system (probability of fail-safe operation, readiness factor etc.) that collectively determines the vector-criterion of «organizational and technologic reliability of functioning» (OTR) of a university. The authors suggested adding to criteria ensuring the OTR of the university the indicators of its inefficiency. The authors introduced their own definition of OTR level that considers the specific features of object and subject of study: its prior, probable and statistic uncertainty. In particular, the conceptual construct and tools of OTR are fitted to quality evaluation and efficiency of university processes. The factors influencing on OTR of university activity are studied. The muliobjective problem formulated in the article could be solved by additive convolution of partial criteria with provision for their boundary values. The authors also show the methods for multiobjective analysis and optimal decision making when organizing the university activity.


Keywords: organizational and technologic reliability; university processes; criteria and level of the OTR; factors influencing on the OTR.


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