Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





N.N. Yazvinskaya

Yazvinskaya Nataliya Nikolaevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Information Technology in the Service», Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Ph. (863)234-91-00. Е-mail:



This study showed that in the batteries with pocket electrodes (KL-14, KL-28, SBLE 30 and  SBM 22) and a long service life (7 years) also contains large amounts of hydrogen, as well as in batteries with sintered electrodes. However, the probability of thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium batteries with pocket electrodes  a lot less than the probability of thermal runaway in batteries with sintered electrodes. This experimental result contradicts the classical mechanism of thermal runaway. However, it is fully consistent with the new thermal runaway mechanism experimentally established by us in previous papers. In the new mechanism of thermal runaway is associated with the emergence of new powerful exothermic reaction of recombination of atomic hydrogen.


Keywords: battery, nickel-cadmium, hydrogen accumulation, thermal runaway.


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9. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Thermal runaway as a new high-performance method of desorption of hydrogen from hydrides // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2016. Vol. 41. P. 14813 – 14819.

10. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N., Galushkina I.A.  Probability Investigation of Thermal Runaway in Nickel-Cadmium Batteries with Sintered, Pasted and Pressed Electrodes // International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 2015. Vol. 10. P. 6645 – 6650.

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14. Galushkin N.E., Yazvinskaya N.N., Galushkin D.N. Teplovoi razgon v nikel'-kadmievykh akkumulyatorakh [Thermal runaway in alkaline batteries]. Izv. vuzov. Sev.-Kavk. region. Tekhn. nauki, 2013, vol. 171, no. 2, pp. 75 – 78. [In Russ.]

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