Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region




Analytical Research of Cinematic Accuracy of the Industrial Robot with Recuperation of Energy

V.I. Butenko, D.S. Durov, R.G. Shapovalov

Butenko Victor Ivanovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, department «Mechanics», Southern Federal University, Institute of Radio Systems and Management. Ph. (863)43-76-122. E-mail:

Durov Dmitry Sergeyevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, head of department «Mechanics», Southern Federal University, Institute of Radio Systems and Management. Ph. (863)43-76-122. E-mail:

Shapovalov Roman Grigoryevich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Mechanics», Southern Federal University, Institute of Radio Systems and Management. Ph. (863)43-76-122. E-mail: 



The circuit of connections of systems of coordinates of a rule of the capturing device of the industrial robot with recuperation of energy is developed and the analytical researches of linear and angular mistakes of an any point of the capturing device are carried out, on the basis of which the generalized formula for definition of his complete linear mistake is received. The directions of increase of accuracy of positioning of robots are determined, basic of which are connected to reduction of number of hinge connections in their design and increase resistance to deterioration of details. Modeling a situation of the centre of weights of the executive body of the manipulator with a detail in time is executed and the constructional-technological recommendations for increase of accuracy of positioning of industrial robots with recuperation of energy, including creation on surfaces of tribosystems details of functional multicomponent layers are formulated.


Keywords: system of coordinates; the capturing device; accuracy of positioning; rule; mistake; industrial robot; detail; tribosystem.


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